\documentclass[letterpaper,twoside]{report} % \usepackage[width=6in, height=10in, nohead, foot=12pt]{geometry} \usepackage{graphicx} \usepackage[english,dutch,german]{babel} \usepackage{minutes} \minutesstyle{ % columns = {1}, header = {list}, %or {table}, vote = {list}, %or {table}, contents = {true}, %or {false} } \usepackage{manglar} % \setcounter{secnumdepth}{4} \begin{document} \begin{sffamily} \begin{Minutes}{ Board of Directors Meeting } \selectlanguage{english} \participant{Bill Friend, Bill Bratton, Tim Whiting, Lori Skoda, Ruth Kading} \minutesdate{May 5, 2010} \starttime{4:10pm} \endtime{5:25pm} \author{John Kading} \maketitle \listofdecisions \topic{Old Business} \subtopic{Accounting} Tim and Ruth met with the accountant yesterday. The 2009 annual report needs to be filed. The accountant reported that we owe approximately \$14,000 MN taxes on non-factura expenses for 2009. We have two options: 1) We can pay the tax. First he has to do a formal review of the 2009 accounts. In so doing this he may or may not find some places to reduce the tax. 2) We can file the annual report as if we don't owe anything. If our report is audited, we would have to pay the full tax, interest, and a 20\% fine. It was agreed that this decision need to go to the GA. \subtopic{Accounts Summary 2010}The four month summary for 2010 was distributed and reviewed. \topic{New Business} \subtopic{Treasurer Resignation}John Kading has resigned as treasurer of the association. Ruth Kading has agreed to fill the position. \subtopic{Construction Policy/Notification} Tim opened a discussion regarding the use of e-mail for communicating with members. It was agreed that it should be assumed that a member has received an e-mail sent to them if it does not ``bounce back'' (demon-mailer?) to the sender. Tim will also explore with Henry the ``message read'' feature of emails, as well as someway to assure email security and proof of veracity of sender. \subtopic{Tree Trimming}The trimming of trees around and over the electrical wires from in front of Casa 9 up to the edge of the VA electrical meter box was completed on May 5. \subtopic{General Assembly}The next GA is June 1, 2010. Tim will send out the agenda. \subtopic{By-Laws Revision - GA Meeting Dates}Tim will prepare a by-laws amendment to revise the GA meeting schedule from the first month of each quarter to twice a year, June and December, with the December meeting being the ``Annual Meeting'' for elections and budget. \subtopic{Construction Permits}Tim reported he when to Obras Publico and talked with 3 different people. He reminded them that anyone from Lomas del Manglar must have a permit approved by the association before Obras Publico can issue them a building permit. Tim also reminded everyone that the by-laws require a deposit for renovations as well as for new construction. \subtopic{Casas 26 and 27}The owner of Casas 26 and 27 sought Tim out last week and wanted the water turned back on. Tim explained that as per the judgement in Mexican court system against her,the water could not be turned on until all dues and interest in arrears had been paid. \subtopic{Water Usage}John Kading provided information regarding readings from the individual house reading and the pump meter reading. The house readings correspond almost exactly with the C.N.A. quota we're allowed. The pump meter reads about 40\% over (based on the past 6 months -- during the dry season). \subtopic{Work Party}The possibility of a fracc. work party was discussed. Most tasks are being taken care of. We are requesting the members to submit any areas they notice that need attention,and email or discuss with John K. Then a decision will be made on a work party. \subtopic{Yard Waste Disposal}After several informal discussions among Board members. Tim asked the basura pick-up people if they would take it as part if the Tuesday garbage. They said they would, if it were bagged up. It is therefore requested that owners ask their gardeners to bag smaller items and we can give this a trial. \subtopic{Water Tank Cleaning} When the water tank was cleaned on April 18 the well was also ``shocked'' with chlorine. It seems to have made a difference. We have decided 3 times /year may be optimal. Next being August 18. \topic{Adjournment} Meeting adjourned at 5:25 pm. \end{Minutes} \end{sffamily} \end{document}