\documentclass[letterpaper,twoside]{report} % \usepackage[width=6in, height=10in, nohead, foot=12pt]{geometry} \usepackage{graphicx} \usepackage[english]{babel} \usepackage{hyperref} \usepackage{minutes} \minutesstyle{ % columns = {1}, header = {list}, %or {table}, vote = {list}, %or {table}, contents = {true}, %or {false} } \usepackage{manglar} % \setcounter{secnumdepth}{4} \usepackage{color} \begin{document} \begin{sffamily} \begin{Minutes}{ Board of Directors Meeting } \selectlanguage{english} \participant{Romeo Danni,Tim Whiting, Ruth Kading, Lori Skoda, Henry Laxen} \minutesdate{October 8, 2013} \starttime{4:10pm} \endtime{5:15pm} \author{Henry Laxen} \maketitle \listofdecisions \topic{Old Business} \subtopic{Treasurer's report} Ruth reports that we are three quarters of the way through the year and have spent roughly half the budget so far. We should end the year with a small surplus provided nothing unforeseen comes up. Guillermo has worked at the frac for four years now, and is thus entitled to a severance of about 4000 pesos should he cease working here. Ruth will add another line item to the budget to reserve for this eventuality, starting with 4000 pesos and adding 500 pesos per year. Over the summer Ruth became aware that Glen Sager (House \#2) had passed away. Attempts will be made to contact her family to let them know of the existence of her property here. In the meantime, collection of her yearly dues may be delayed. We have accounts with two banks, Santander and Actinver. The interest rate on our account at Actinver has gone down, and we are now expected to only earn about 2000 pesos per year. CNA bills are now expected to be paid online. \subtopic{CNA concession} Even with several houses unoccupied or partially occupied, we are close to using up our full CNA water concession. Tim will attempt to get an increase when he next meets with them. \subtopic{Water} The electric bill for the water pump came in as expected during the summer, but the wiring to the float was old and brittle. We will ask Victor to replace it. Henry will ask his attorney about Federal and State requirements to provide potable water to residents. We will test the water quality of the well once per year. We will secure estimates to clean the water tank. Tim reports that the meter readings at the well head are still high. This is the meter that is physically located near the pump house and should equal the sum of the individual water meters located at all of the houses. The reason for this was previously explained by Salvador, who installed the pump, in a previous set of minutes. The individual meters are read quarterly, and their sum is reported to CNA as our consumption. Please report any suspected leaks. \subtopic{Keys} Currently, the frac has the following keys. \begin{itemize} \item A key to the pump house: Victor, Will, Ruth, Lori, Tim \item A key to the well head: Ruth, Tim \item A key to the guardhouse: Guillermo, Tim, Lori, Ruth \item A key to the water tank: Henry, Lori, Ruth, Tim \end{itemize} \topic{New Business} Lori mentioned that some new construction is due to commence on Lot \#34. Tim inquired about the status of the construction deposits. According to the published minutes of the Feb. 26 board meeting, construction deposits are currently at 20,046 pesos and are to be indexed yearly with inflation. The water hookup fee is 8,355 pesos. Tim asked about the status of the construction policy, and mentioned that it is prohibited to renovate a property for the purpose of creating a rental unit. According to the March 9, 2010 minutes, the construction policy was to be reviewed by an attorney. It has been made available online since that date. A comittee has been formed to update the Zoning and Building Regulations. \subtopic{Completion of Water Upgrades} After received several quotes, the lowest we received was from Jose Louis for 20,000MN to repipe, move meters outside of fences as needed, and install moroso valves on the six houses that are still without them. Ruth moved and Henry seconded that we accept this proposal and proceed. Motion was carried unanimously. After this is complete, units 1, 4, 5, 6, 24, and 28 will have moroso valves installed, and we whill have new piping from the main to each house in the lower section, up to house number \#29. \decision{Complete water system upgrade}{Proceed with moroso valves and piping for \$20,000 pesos} \subtopic{Maintenance} Ed is concerned about the dead trees at the tennis court and has solicited an estimate for their removal. Tim will confirm the estimate and decide how to proceed. The garbage is still collected sporadically. The phone number of the garbage collection service (Aseo Publico) is 765-6086. Individual homeowners are encouraged to contact them directly if they see garbage accumulating. The housings on the light poles are corroding, and need to be replaced. Tim will contact Jose Pantolla to do the work. Ed has power washed and painted some curbs in the frac in order to get a sense of the amount of supplies needed. It turns out that approximately 446 pesos will buy enough paint, brushes, and solvent to paint three houses. This does not include labor. Ed is soliciting individual homeowners to contribute to the labor costs. The board has authorized up to 5000 pesos for materials to cover the rest of the frac. Guillermo will do the painting of the areas that are common area or not in front of houses during the dry season when he has extra time. \subtopic{GA Meeting} The semi-annual GA meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, December 3rd at Villa Alta \#6 at 4pm. In order to encourage greater attendance, Nadine has kindly offered to provide a door prize consisting of a piece of custom made pendant worth approximately 6000 pesos. You can see it at\\ \url{http://www.nadineloveshenry.com/jewels/euterpe.html}\\ You must be present to win, and each household in good standing is eligible for one entry ticket. \topic{Adjournment} Meeting adjourned at 5:15 pm. \end{Minutes} \end{sffamily} \end{document}