\documentclass[letterpaper,twoside]{report} % \usepackage[width=6in, height=10in, nohead, foot=12pt]{geometry} \usepackage{graphicx} \usepackage[english,dutch,german]{babel} \usepackage{minutes} \minutesstyle{ % columns = {1}, header = {list}, %or {table}, vote = {list}, %or {table}, contents = {true}, %or {false} } \usepackage{manglar} \begin{document} \begin{sffamily} \begin{Minutes}{General Assembly Minutes} \selectlanguage{english} \participant{Henry Laxen, John Kading, Ed Skoda, Lori Skoda, Nadine Laxen, Ruth Kading, Tim Whiting, Wil Wellmer, Romeo Danni, Audrey Zikmund, Greg Deutsch, Clare Knutson, William Friend} \minutesdate{December 14, 2010} \starttime{4:00pm} \endtime{5:50pm} \author{Henry Laxen} \maketitle \listofdecisions \topic{Quorum} A quorum was not established and after the requisite waiting period of ten minutes the assembled members were declared a quorum and meeting was brought to order at 4:15pm. The size of the quorum was determined to be 10 members, meaning that a 2/3 majority would require at least 7 votes. \topic{Proxies}A request for proxies was made, but none were offered. \topic{Minutes} After a brief discussion, Wil made a motion to accept the previous minutes. Seconded by Ed Skoda, and approved unanimously. \topic{Treasurer's report} 25 homes have paid their homeowners dues in 2010. There are a total of 28 houses in the development. The special assessment bill (5000 pesos) went to all of the houses. 21 have paid their special assessment so far. The other four non-delinquent houses are expected to pay in the near future. Ruth suggested that we put the 20,000 pesos in a capital improvement fund. Tim spoke with our attorney, who also agreed that we should create a contingency fund. Romeo made a motion which was seconded by Ed to put the excess pesos in a contingency fund. It was approved unanimously. \decision{Contingency fund}{A contingency fund will be created with an initial amount of 20,000 pesos} At this point Ruth passed out the new budget for 2011. She also distributed a summary of the expenses in 2010. Copies of these documents are available online. One note: the 32,000 pesos for office expenses is actually for taxes. These days, taxes must be filed electronically. Our old account at Banco Santander does not have this capability. We are waiting for Lloyds bank to become available, so that we may file our taxes electronically. Henceforth, carryover will be listed as reserves for extraordinary expenses. The carry over for extraordinary expenses from 2010 is \$106,603.75. The proposed budget does not call for an increased assessment. 27 houses in our development will be charged 6000 pesos and one house, Andrete will be charged 7000 pesos. Wil made a motion to accept the budget, which was seconded by Romeo and was approved unanimously. \decision{Budget 2011}{Accepted as proposed by Ruth Kading} \topic{President's Report} First Tim thanked the board of directors for all of their help and support on the special assessment. Also Henry for his work on the by-laws and minutes. Ruth Kading deserves special mention because of her outstanding actions as treasurer. Tim mentioned that several minor construction projects around the development were all approved by the board, and none required any city permits because they were all minor. Tim explained at length the problems we had with the water pump and piping system. The system was replaced in less than 10 days. The current pump has more than enough capacity to serve us in the future. The old pipes had many holes which decreased their efficiency. All in all the replacement project went extremely well, and the water delivery system provided by the development is in good shape, at least from the well to the storage tank area Ruth and Tim went to Atty. Ramos to discuss what needed to be protocolized. The attorney said there is no legal requirement that everything be translated into Spanish, as long as we make Spanish translation available upon request. Tim reminded the membership that all expenses must include IVA and we must obtain a factura otherwise we will be charged a 30\% penalty by government. Using facturas last year saved us 10,000 pesos. Tim mentioned that Rosa's account soon will become delinquent for over one year, and as per our bylaws he will no longer be a member in good standing. The issue of yard waste was brought up, and all agreed that we need to find a better solution than burning it in the street. The board agreed to look into ways to deal with yard waste in the future. Tim asked for a motion to include a written report on water rates interest rates etc. into the minutes Romeo made this motion and was seconded by Ruth it was passed unanimously. The items to be included are as follows: \begin{enumerate} \item The water rates for 2011 are as follows: \begin{tabular}{|l|l|} \hline 0-300 cubic meters & included in dues\\ \hline 301-500 cubic meters & \$3.00MN/cubic meter\\ \hline 501-1000 cubic meters & \$3.75MN/cubic meter\\ \hline 1001 and more cubic meters & \$7.00MN/cubic meter\\ \hline \end{tabular} \item The interest rate charged for late payments is 4\% per month \end{enumerate} \topic{Old Business} Tim said that the bills for water usage and homeowners dues will go out within the next few weeks. He reminded the members that part of their water usage is included in their homeowners dues, but any excess usage will result in additional charges. Tim will retest the water quality again sometime this summer. Tim reminded the homeowners that the in street piping is more than 10 years old, and will need replacing in the future. He urged all homeowners to be ready for an additional assessment should be issue become urgent. The CNA concession will be up for renewal in 2012, and the board will start the process of renewing it in 2011. We also need to check on the calibration of the water meter at the well, and see how it corresponds to the sum of the individual water meters at the houses. This will be done the next time that the storage tank is cleaned. \topic{New Business} Per the agenda, it was now time to vote on the various proposed amendments to the bylaws. The first proposed set of amendments are mainly minor wording and clarifications. Wil brought up the issue of what constitutes a major expense. After a lively discussion, it was decided s to leave the wording as is. This will give the board more flexibility in dealing with urgent situations. Will motioned and Nadine seconded that we accept the proposal A as written. It was approved unanimously. Next Tim motioned and Nadine seconded that we approve item B regarding notification and use of proxies of the bylaw revisions. It was approved unanimously. Next Tim motioned and Lori seconded that we approve items regarding the use of property of the bylaw revisions. It was approved unanimously. Finally, the proposed revision regarding dogs was discussed. People objected to the language as written, because a letter would trigger would require the board to take action without any input on their part. The wording of the amendment was changed to the following. The board shall investigate and may then notify the dog owner in writing that the offending dog must be leashed at all times when off the owner's property and within the boundaries of the fraccionamiento. Failure to do so will result in the Board of Directors, as a body, supporting the complainant before municipal authorities for relief. Tim motioned and Lori seconded that with these changes proposal D be accepted. It was voted unanimously to do so. A copy of the revised bylaws that have been approved is attached to these minutes. \decision{Bylaw Changes}{All proposals were accepted, with the change in wording to proposal D described above.} At this point, the current board of directors resigned. A new board was elected as follows: \begin{itemize} \item President: Tim Napier Whiting \item Vice President: Lorrraine Selma Skoda \item Treasurer: Ruth Mapes Kading \item Secretary: Henry Herman Laxen \item Member at Large: Romeo Joseph Danni \end{itemize} \topic{Adjournment} Meeting adjourned at 5:50 pm. \topic{Addendum - Well Information} Information about the Well \begin{itemize} \item The depth of the well 75.4 meters \item The depth of water (from the bottom) is 30 meters \item We have 23 3 meter sections, of new 3" black pipe, which is attached to a brand new (Dec 2010), approximately 1 meter long, Altamira series Kor Model \#855150-11 15 horsepower pump \item This can pump 85 gallons a minute to a height of 180 meters \item It is 39 meters up, from well head to the tank at top of hill. Therefore we are pumping to a height of approximately 70+39) = 109 meters. Well within capacity of pump. \item The tank itself is average of 4.35 meters in diameter, approximately 1.75 meters high, and therefore has a volume of about $\pi * (4.32/2)^2 * 1.75 = 26$ cubic meters. \end{itemize} \textbf{Estos minutos puede ser obteninido en Espanol si estan pedido.} \end{Minutes} \end{sffamily} \end{document}